Ajay Shah writing for the mass media (1998)
- Rethink financial intermediation, 30 December 1998. kw - unification of financial regulation, removing artificial barriers.
- What 'open source' means to India, 16 December 1998. kw - free software, shift from products to services, consequences for India.
- Making sense of uniform settlement, 2 December 1998. kw - the gains from uniform settlement are small, the real issue is moving on to rolling settlement.
- This internet policy is incomplete, 18 November 1998. kw - ISP regulation.
- Unix on a billion desktops, an editorial on freshmeat, 15 November 1998. The original piece (with reader comments) is here. Will Unix reach a billion desktops? Paths to applications software -- (1) Clean core with 3rd party extensions (gimp), (2) Move the application to the network, (3) Implement 20% of the features which account for 80% of the use; Free, as in zero dollars.
- How to handle systemic risk, 4 November 1998. kw - LTCM, BSE payments crisis in Summer '98, US-64.
- Interview which appeared in Intelligent Investor, 4 November 1998. kw - financial planning for individual investors.
- Windows + Intel = Wintel?, 7 October 1998. kw - Microsoft, network externalities.
- Optimising sales of state-owned companies shares, 23 September 1998. kw - mechanism design for the government to sell off shares of state-owned enterprises.
- Handling assured returns schemes, 9 September 1998. kw - investors in India really like assured returns, and we can make assured returns products using options.
- Let a thousand connections bloom, 26 August 1998. kw - DOT's closed user group policy is fundamentally alien to the concept of grassroots computer networking.
- The Indian derivatives odyssey, 12 August 1998. kw - the pain of getting to the index futures market.
- Endgame in sight at NSDL, 29 July 1998. kw - The beginning of the end of physical paper in India, dematerialisation, depository.
- Making sense of margins, 15 July 1998. kw - margins are meant to protect market integrity, not prevent defaults of intermediaries or investors.
- Payments crisis: Frequently asked questions, XX July 1998. kw - FAQ about BSE payments crisis in Summer '98 (BPL, Sterlite, Videocon).
- Rethinking primary education, 1 July 1998. kw - elementary education, measuring outcomes of production of public goods rather than inputs, school vouchers, Parth Shah.
- The price discovery mechanism, 17 June 1998. kw - arbitrage, speculation.
- Measuring portfolio risk, 21 May 1998. kw - Value at risk, what it is and why it is important for you.
- When marking to market fails, 6 May 1998. kw - stale prices, illiquid products, marking to model.
- Two great investment strategies, 22 April 1998. kw - survivorship bias, newsletter scam, active management, performance evaluation, index funds.
- Does xenophobia work?, 8 April 1998. kw - outward orientation, India's software industry.
- Why forbid insider trading?, 25 March 1998. kw - insider trading does aid market efficiency, and the costs of enforcement against it are high.
- Why Bombay matters less, 11 March 1998. kw - Market efficiency, liquidity.
- Moving to rolling settlement, 25 February 1998. kw - what is rolling settlement, what are the difficulties, and how we can make the transition into it.
- Commodity futures markets: An Interview, appeared in Financial Express on 16 February 1998. kw - building commodity futures markets in India.
- Random walk vs. intuition, 11 February 1998. kw - The random walk is weird, learn to love it.
- Lending with (nearly) zero risk, 28 January 1998. kw - liquid collateral, daily mark to market, instant liquidation.
- Are derivatives disastrous?, 14 January 1998. kw - derivatives disasters and what they mean for us.
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